In Wicca the boline is a white-handled ritual knife, one of several magical tools used in Wicca, mainly for the cutting of herbs and inscribing candles.
Unlike the athame, which in most traditions is never used for actual physical cutting, the boline is used for cutting cords and herbs, carving candles, etc. It has a small, straight or crescent-shaped blade with traditionally, a white handle. A Boline is a tool with two purposes, the first is to aid in collecting ingredients. To this end is functions as shears with the additional benefit that it will harvest cobweb without turning it to string. A Boline can be used as a weapon with the same durability as an iron sword, but the damage of a wooden sword. It can be enchanted like an iron sword. The Boline is meant to be put to work and become an active part of your magickal practice.
You may wish to consecrate your boline before you use it for the first time. In many modern Pagan traditions, magical tools are consecrated before use. This achieves a couple of things — one, it purifies the item before it is used to interact with the Divine. Secondly, it removes any negative energies from the tool. This is particularly handy if you aren’t sure of a tool’s past history or who owned it before it came to you. This ritual is a simple one that can be used to consecrate any magical tools, clothing or jewelry, or even the altar itself.
The Lost Bearded White Brother
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