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Magic Tools


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Magic Tools


Magic Tools

Witchcraft Wood Box

Box help keep your Witchcraft stuff organized and tucked away from prying eyes. Our use them to hold altar cloth, athame, wand, chalices, candles, bell, bowl, mortar and pestle, incense burners, incense, book of shadows, crystals, herbs, etc…

Altar Table

Create a beautiful focal point for your Witchcraft with our altar table. Altar table are an excellent resource for helping people focus. You can place objects on them that help with your Witchcraft practice. Perfect for small homes on the go, this beautiful altar table can turn almost any space into your sacred space.

Altar Cloth

An altar cloth helps transform ordinary space into sacred space.


Essential tools of the Witchcraft’s altar. We have ritual knives fitting style.


A primal symbol of the Wizard or Witch will, wand are used to direct energy and cast boundaries. Unique and handmade Witchcraft wand.


A chalice is a footed cup intended to hold a drink. In Witchcraft practice, a chalice is often used for drinking during a ceremony.


Candles, candle holders, and accessories. Find the tools for your candle Witchcraft.


Wizard or Witch can’t resist the merry sound of bells and chimes.

Witchcraft Hanheld Mirror

These Witchcraft handheld mirrors are a must have.

Small Wood Or Ceramic Bowl

A small bowl that’s perfect for rings, offerings, or small quantities of herbs and salts.

Sea Salt

A versatile ingredient for cleansing and spellwork, salt belongs on every Witchcraft altar and herb cabinet. These natural air-dried salt crystals have grain that’s easy to use for your Witchcraft work.

Mortar And Pestle

The mortar and pestle is both a powerful Witchcraft symbol and a practical item for grinding herbs and incenses. It is one of the essential tools of the Wizard or Witch altar.

Incense Burners

An essential accessory for using incense and resin safely, without fear of ash dropping in unwanted places, is an incense holder or burner.

Charcoal Tablets

These charcoal tablets. The coating sparks across the charcoal surface and then should be left for a few minutes until it has started to heat through. These tablets are fast lighting, smoke-free, odorless, tasteless and long burning and means they shouldn’t interfere with the scent of the incense.


Incense is aromatic biotic material that releases fragrant smoke when burnt. The term is used for either the material or the aroma.

Herb And Herb Oil

Herb and herb oils are a time-honored ingredient in Witchcraft practice. Here you’ll find anointing oils to empower your spellwork or sweeten your environment.

Essential Oils

When only the purest will do. Essential oils are a way to add highly concentrated plant essences to your homemade formulas.

Crystals, Gemstones, Pendulum, Book of Shadows, Etc…

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The Lost Bearded White Brother
